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Bar Ring, 2001

Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Bar Ring, 2001
30” x 86”
fabricated steel, automotive paint, fiberglass, wood
Bar Ring
digital print 
mounted on Sintra, framed
69” x 48”
Bar Ring Animation, 2001
Pen plotted ink on mylar
22” x 22”

Shoshana Wayne Gallery
Los Angeles, CA

The industry of graphic standards and F.W. Taylor’s studies of time and motion has greatly affected how we have come to know the contemporary built environment and the resulting commodification of spatial boundaries. This refers to architectural determinism and the plotted relationships between individuals and groups. Bar Ring utilizes the most common standard measurements for the height and distance apart for typical barstool seating which is emblematic of the adult social sphere. Ten posts and seats are deployed spatially and fixed to a single ring and cannot be moved. Ten places for ten individuals, a situation for ten in a ring perhaps facing each other. The attention to the finish and surface is intended to push the perception towards the idea of the digital, meaning that the qualities of the synthetic or artificial might be invoked by its skin.

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