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Global Suburbia, 2008

The Abington Arts Center, Jenkintown, PA
X10R.2 (with suspended ceiling), 2008
ceiling speakers, miscellaneous hardware, playback system, audio CD, fluorescent lighting, suspended ceiling materials.
12′ x 12′
Installation view
Drumming, 2004
wood, plastic laminate, powered speakers, steel, playback system, cabling.
18″ x 18″ x 18″
Installation view

Global Suburbia
Curated by Sue Spaid
The Abington Arts Center
Jenkintown, PA

Participating artists include; Chris Ballantyne, Amy Bennett, Mark Bennett, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Gotz Diergarten, Barbara Gallucci, Fritz Haeg, Michael Barton Miller, Sarah McCoubrey, Matthew Moore, Hiro Sakaguchi, David Schafer, Mark Shetabi, Lee Stoetzel, Eva Struble, Thomas Wrede

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